China tests revolutionary aircraft engine: the fastest speed is Mach 16 and will fly to the world in 2 hours

时间:2021-12-10 访问量:988

According to the news, Chinese scientists have created a revolutionary aircraft engine. This aircraft can fly at an ultra-high speed of Mach 16. The aircraft loaded with this aircraft can fly anywhere in the world within 2 hours.

According to the recently reported news, the flight data of the test flight in the Beijing hypersonic wind tunnel show that this flight engine shows extremely superior performance in terms of thrust, fuel efficiency and operational stability. In theory, the aspirated engine can fly at 16 times the speed of sound.
It is worth mentioning that the team of Jiang Zonglin, director of the Key Laboratory of high temperature aerodynamics, Institute of mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, published a relevant special paper in the Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, which shows that this revolutionary engine can be reused on the space shuttle, so that the space shuttle can take off horizontally from the runway, accelerate into earth orbit, then re-enter the atmosphere and finally land at the airport.

The comprehensive report shows that the design of this engine is quite simple without any moving parts. It mainly includes three parts: single-stage air inlet, hydrogen fuel injector and combustion chamber. The R & D team put the engine into the most powerful wind tunnel in China for testing. The strongest wind tunnel can simulate the working state when the starting engine reaches 9 times the speed of sound. According to the film provided by the research team, when the engine starts, the opening of the combustion chamber is like the engine of the alien spacecraft in science fiction movies.
The super wind tunnel "shock wind tunnel" performing the test mission is known as the cradle of aircraft and is an indispensable major equipment for the development of aircraft. Today, let's talk about the world's first super large hypersonic shock wind tunnel located in Huairou, Beijing.
The length of this wind tunnel has reached 265 meters. Using this hydrogen oxygen reverse exposure technology can provide a strong driving force, and the air flow conditions of an aircraft flying at 5 ~ 9 times supersonic speed at an altitude of 20-30 kilometers can be built on the ground.


According to public information, China also has the largest wind tunnel and many wind tunnel groups in Asia and even the world. It has made great contributions to the development of aerospace equipment in China. Especially in the field of hypersonic vehicles in China. Some media have publicly said that China's progress in the field of hypersonic vehicles has surpassed that of the United States. The greatest contributor to this transcendence is the shock tunnel.

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